Many years ago, the education sector in the US came up with a formal system that would meet the economic demands that the industrial revolution was ushering in. However, fast forward to the current day and with all the hot economic climate of today and the demands, it is becoming painfully clear that the US education system is failing to meet the demands of the population. Students are struggling to write an essay or a good paper and have less access to reliable information a lot of the time.
Studies have become stressful for students and they have resorted to plagiarism and sources that are not legit. They also pay heavy prices when they try to copy work from other sites. Only a few platforms like edusson with skilled writers and good reviews have been able to help them out. Here are some of the reasons why the US education system is failing.
There is no lack of technology in the world and even then, it is doubtful as to whether it is being used the right way. For example, a platform like edusson can help students with their writing and also has genuine reviews which will make the life of students easier by allowing them to write a good paper. However, many students turn to unreliable sources instead and get penalized for using incorrect facts and data. A lack of knowledge when it comes to doing research online may be to blame. In fact, edusson is just one of the sites that can help students. Students can research and find options that suit them.
Education must not be simply limited to just writing a paper or an essay and getting high marks for it. There has to be enough diversity for gifted education as well. Usually, extremely bright students who tick all of the boxes are given the label of gifted academically but that should not be the case. The different talents and skills of students should be identified without bias to have truly open learning in place.
Another factor is that parents do not play an active role in their children's education. They will be willing to cater to the prices and amounts of fees and the likes, but that would be about it. Most parents work full time and don’t even know what the child is learning in school.
There is too much stress placed on students which sometimes gets them into a scam when they need help with their work. On the other hand, they may also engage in plagiarism that could have a detrimental effect on their studies. Having reliable sites to work with and get help from with legit details and a good review as well as skilled writers is important.
Students should not be held to unrealistic expectations as well. One student may be acing a class but that does not mean that all the others should compete with them either. Different students will learn at different speeds and capacities. This should be understood and accepted.
Teachers and parents alike need to understand that talents are not restricted to just academia or subjects like science and mathematics. Students can also excel in sports, dancing, arts, and music. All this also qualifies in making them, well-rounded students. The more adults nurture the talents of students the better they will perform overall and go on to make a mark in the relevant industry that they choose. Teachers should stop forcing students to become something that they are not. It can take a toll on them and harm their mental well-being.
In conclusion, we can say that the US education system is failing for many different reasons. Some of them are discussed above. Having the right help with the writing that students need to get done is important so that students do not have added stress on them.
Talents and skills should be identified without bias and parents should also be more involved in the education of their children. If all of the above-mentioned factors are met, the education system could start producing more rounded students and professionals who can handle the pressures of the current society and its demands.